IRC Appoints New President and Executive Director
Mark Halbert has been appointed the new President of IRC. Mark will be taking over for Tim Hines, who has served as President for the past four years. Tim Hines has been appointed as the Executive Director of International Resourcing and Business Development. These appointments are to give Tim the ability to travel more and to discover better opportunities for IRC and its affiliates in other countries. Mark Halbert has been an administrator for many years and will bring a new depth of leadership to the U.S. side of IRC.
IRC will be meeting with some very influential non-profits and governmental agencies in the near future. Our goal is to connect international resources with local foreign agencies that are reaching out to the poor and needy, to help with personal and community development, micro-loan programs, clean water and health initiatives, solar light, small business directives, and educational opportunities. IRC is excited about all the new possibilities that are being made available and we are looking forward to achieving great progress in these areas during this year.
Thanks again to Mark Halbert and Tim Hines-we are looking forward to seeing what the future holds.