IRC Established Second Water Well
In the summer of 2016, IRC was successful in drilling a second water well in Honduras. This time, the well has been established in the community of Tierras de Padre. This community contains about 40 families of the Lencas, an indigenous Honduran tribe. Like many poor communities in Honduras, the residents of Tierras de Padre have no electricity or running water. They have constructed homes of sticks, rock, and scrap wood. The well was established through partnership with the community. IRC raised and provided the funds for drilling the well, inserting a submersible pump, and providing pipe for water delivery. The community was responsible for building a secure pump house, digging trenches throughout the community, and constructing a large brick and mortar holding tank. The water is currently accessed at one delivery point that is available to everyone in the community. The next phase is to lay pipe and provide access to every home in the community. IRC has some tremendous donors who made this possible. As we complete the final phase for Tierras de Padre, we are already looking for the next location. It is an unbelievable gift to provide clean drinking water to a community. If you want to be a part of the next water well, just donate.