IRC Honduras Update from Tim Hines

Tim’s fourth trip this year has been very fruitful.  He had a chance to meet with the new head of INFAH, Suyapa Nunez, and had a productive meeting discussing some new opportunities to help various children’s homes in Honduras.  The new image of Honduras is changing fast, and all for the good.  Everything here is back to normal and many new opportunities are available for IRC, TORCH Missions, and many other groups working in Honduras this summer.  The meetings with the Minister of Social Security have been fruitful, and we are now able to use their hospitals for doctors to come from the United States to perform surgeries here in Honduras.  Tim also spoke to a group of doctors from the Little Rock, Arkansas area, and is trying to partner with them and help them anyway he can.  All in all, these next four years appear to be off to a great start.  We are looking forward to receiving donations that are going to help change the lives of the poor here in Honduras.


IRC Receives Hospital Donation in May 2010


IRC Facilitates Donation of Respirators to Honduras