It is an exciting time. Many are getting ready for the summer groups that are going to be coming to Honduras.  There will be groups ranging in size from 30 to 180 participants at a time. Most will be staying in Tegucigalpa and Santa Ana.  We will have many groups that will be in the country simultaneously, so it is going to be a lot of fun!  Fortunately, we have a lot of great leaders with lots of experience.  The groups this summer will be building houses, working on playgrounds, Vacation Bible Schools, fairs, soccer camps and tournaments, working on schools, medical brigades that will see hundreds of patients each day, visiting hospitals and bringing smiles to children and parents that are in the local hospitals. They will also be spending a lot of time at children’s homes and special needs orphanages. This summer is going to be a blast! We hope that you will consider going with us on one of our many trips.

Please go to for trip information and discover how good it feels to help those in need.


Connell/Sawyer Group Arrives Today


IRC Receives Hospital Donation in May 2010