IRC TORCH Missions Team Visits a Prison

Today the women of the TORCH Missions group had the opportunity to visit the women’s prison. This prison is for women aged 12-18. Their crimes vary from domestic violence to prostitution and murder. It is a very sad place to be. The matron of the prison was very excited to have us today and reported that we were the first group of people that had come in the last 15 years with medical relief. There were 21 girls in the prison and a clinic was set up and all the prisoners, employees, and workers were seen. 

Meanwhile the rest of the team fed the girls. This required that one of our women sat with each girl, otherwise their food would be stolen by the stronger, more forceful women in the ward. There was a craft time, a short devotional, and a time of singing with them. 

We hope to start a long-term relationship with this particular prison to provide healthcare on a regular basis to them.


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