IRC/Clinica de Esperanza Continues Relief Efforts in Honduras

IRC/Clinica de Esperanza has been sending medical supplies to Dr. Sandra Sosa, who was able to get additional supplies from her colleagues and friends to help these people that have survived the COVID-19 pandemic, and two major hurricanes.  The hurricanes have devastated this area and today, they were finally able to deliver much needed supplies to the Mosquito Coast via La Ceiba today.

The Mosquito Coast is on the northern coast of Honduras and is a strip of low-lying wetlands that is only traveled to by air or sea, as there are no roads.  The people are an indigenous tribe called the “Miskito”.  In the best of times they have few resources.  Their main activity and livelihood is free diving down almost 150 feet below the surface to get lobster, sea cucumbers, and conch, which they sell to North American and Asian markets.  Many men under 30 are in wheelchairs from diving to deep and coming up too fast.


If you would like to help with the continuing efforts by the Clinica de Esperanza and IRC, you may visit the website links below or mail your checks to the following address:

Mail Donation to:

Clinica De Esperanza

ATTN: Gayle Davidson

PO Box 120205

Melbourne, FL 32912


IRC/Clinica de Esperanza Continues Humanitarian Aid to Honduras


IRC Supplies Hospitals in Honduras with Personal Protection Equipment