IRC Continues Disaster Relief Efforts in Panama City
In January, IRC once again headed to Panama City to helped with the continued efforts in Panama City. They worked alongside volunteers from the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team that has been working out of the Palo Alto Church of Christ there in Panama City since Hurricane Michael devastated the area in October of 2018. There is still much work to be done, in spite of the tremendous efforts by countless volunteers.
This trip was focused on an area near the church, where there was an area that had not been cleared since the storm hit. A small team of about 5 focused on this area and managed to cut over 120 trees and countless branches during the week.
Cutting down trees is a dangerous business, especially after a storm as powerful as Michael. You may or may not be aware, that there is energy in the trunks, and they can sometimes surprise you by snapping a way you didn’t plan. You have to be careful that as you cut so the tree falls where you want it to fall, and sometimes have to use a truck and ropes to pull the trunk in the direction to allow it to safely fall.
While this trip was productive, there is still much more work to do in the area, for those who want to volunteer or can support the disaster relief efforts. We are humbled to be able to help in any way we can.